Fresh beginnings can happen anytime. It doesn’t have to start on a Monday, or on the first of the month, or on your birthday, or in January but doesn’t it feel good when it does? January can represent Fresh hope, Fresh dreams, Fresh beginnings. Right now, January, could be the perfect time for a Fresh New Beginning for you. Think about what you’d like to start Fresh. You can feel the warmth and the coolness of the thought as you inhale. The crispness of the new year somehow gives us clarity on what to hold on to, and what to let go. So what to do with these feelings? How do we let our 2023 endings turn into new beginnings?
1 | It’s okay to accept and surrender. Sometimes we need this refreshness to ground us. If you’re fighting too hard for the path you’re on, maybe it’s time to accept a new path. Embrace that everything happens for you, not to you, and these moments happen at exactly the right time. A fresh beginning only has its start when the old path ends. When you feel that freshness—lean in. |
2 | Let go of the things you can’t control. I know we’ve all heard this before but now stop for a moment. Think about all the positive things you want to attract in your life. To bring in these positive things, you’re going to have to let go of the negative. Let. It. Go. It is not your burden to bear. You were designed for the amazing things and somehow the negative creeped in. Stop holding on to things that hurt you and, right now, free up that space for your positive future. |
3 | Take that step, that chance, that road less travelled. Be a warrior in your life, and with a free and easy step move towards your hearts desire. Your strength comes from your path. It’s there for you. It will feel bold, it may feel a bit scary, and at the same time right. Yes, you can start that adventure. That warm/cool freshness of starting is waiting for you to begin. |
4 | Walk with your spirit guides. Watch for them, invite them in, enjoy the journey with them. We all have people in our lives that guide us. Some for a lifetime, some for just a chapter. Sometimes it’s only upon reflection that we see the lesson. You are the accumulation of all your adventures. Gather as many of these amazing people as you can in your life and enjoy the journey. Personally, my finest adventures were the ones I actively invited people in to help. |
As January unfolds, and Colorado’s crisp cool air clean the days, I’ll be looking for my next adventures. Arm in arm with my fun accomplices to share new dreams. And, I’ll reflect on the things that it’s time to let go so I can welcome in a fresh new beginning.